<aside> đź’ˇ Fair Raffle is an open-source tool for community.


FairRaffle.io is a trustless, transparent on-chain raffle tool that allows you to run fair and verifiable raffles for any need.

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FairRaffle.io is a trustless, transparent on-chain raffle tool that allows you to run fair and verifiable raffles for any need. Our open-source tool is perfect for:

Table Of Contents


Raffles and lotteries are a popular way to engage customers, but traditional raffles are often not transparent or trustworthy.

Current Raffle Tools are:


No-Open Source Tools

Most raffle tools do not disclose how they work or provide proof that their selection process is truly random. This lack of transparency can lead to mistrust and skepticism among users.how they truly random.


Not Accountable!

Traditional raffle tools can be manipulated by the raffle makers and often allow multiple entries, leading to unfair results


Current Tools Monetize Personal Data

Many raffle tools are free to use, but they monetize their users' personal data in order to generate revenue

Currently, most NFT projects hold raffles on Twitter or Discord, but the main problem is that most raffle tools are centralized and rely on trusted third parties. This leaves room for manipulation and lack of transparency in the raffle process, as the raffle maker can potentially re-enter or manipulate the results.



Fully Open Source

FairRaffle.io is open-source and transparent, allowing you to see exactly how it works and providing verifiable proof that the selection process is truly random thanks to our use of VRF (Verifiable Random Function).

What is VRF?


Re-Entry Detectable

FairRaffle.io is accountable and prevents manipulation by tracking every entry on the blockchain. Our tool ensures that the raffle selection is fair and transparent.


Only Protocol Fee

FairRaffle.io is committed to protecting your privacy and does not sell your personal data. Our tool is designed for the benefit of the community, not just for profit.

How To Use it For NFT Raffles? (Sample)

Before the start NFT collection’s contract should be registered.

  1. The Raffle Creator announces their public keys on verified social medias.
  2. Raffle Creator Select the NFT Collection for make an airdrop and enters the number of winners.
  3. The Fair Raffle platform takes a snapshot of the current NFT project holders (via contract) and uses a verifiable random function (VRF) to randomly select the winners.
  4. Fair Raffle asks for VRF and use the incoming number in Random Algorithm.
  5. All the entries are stored in on-chainly such as raffle maker’s public key, attendees (in NFT), expecting numbers, VRF result and winner numbers.

By the result, any auditors can check the raffle results by just searching the public key of raffle maker.

No event can be deleted on blockchain. Any disputes or fraud situations will be observable by anyone.

Sample UI illustration For List (Any) Raffles - Front End Not Developed

Sample UI illustration For List (Any) Raffles - Front End Not Developed